Man with ‘world’s largest penis’ reveals the hardest things about his daily life

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Here’s the schlong and the short of it.

A UK man who boasts the “world’s largest penis” has revealed the many downsides to having a titanic tallywacker, including struggling to put on clothes, feeling faint while erect and receiving twisted propositions.

The phallically-enhanced man, Matt Barr, revealed the supersized secrets in a recent interview with LADbible.

He first gained international attention during an April appearance on the British talk show “This Morning.”

The UK’s Matt Barr, who claims to have the “world’s largest penis,” has revealed the many downsides to having a titanic tallywacker. ITV
“So, I’ve got lightheaded at times as well, getting erections and things like that, and you can’t get fully erect,” said Barr. ITV

A recent scientific study measured his manhood at 14.2 inches while erect — nearly three times the global average of 5.1 inches. There is no known term for his condition, but Barr says his mammoth member is often referred to as macrophallus, which essentially means a preternaturally large penis.

While this might seem like a dream come true in our porn-obsessed society, the Cambridge graduate says that having a big willy is a lot harder than it seems.

Erections can make him sick, he claimed, because their size puts a strain on his circulatory system.

“There’s a lot of issues with blood flow,” the bulging Brit, 40, divulged to LADbible.

“That’s partly why my size kind of fluctuates a bit as well, because it’s very difficult to have that much blood flowing around there,” explained Barr, who authored the upcoming autobiography “A Long Story: Life With One of the World’s Largest Penises”

“So, I’ve got lightheaded at times as well, getting erections and things like that, and you can’t get fully erect,” he continued. “I’ve taken some various medication over time to try and to try and shrink it, which seemed to have had more like the opposite effect.”

Finding clothing that fits is another hassle, disclosed Barr, who’s forced to “buy a size up” when shopping.

“Waist size-wise, always make sure there’s plenty of room up front. You can get some good ones,” he explained. “There is [also] custom underwear that people sell, designed for people who are either naturally well endowed or inject things into them.”

Barr said he’s gotten some bizarre sexual requests. ITV

Unfortunately, those compression shorts aren’t big-size-fits-all as they can get uncomfortable when worn for long periods of time.

During his April interview, he recalled a mortifying instance where he was barred from a yoga class because the instructor thought he was aroused due to his big bulge.

The issues aren’t just physical either, according to Barr, who says he’s received some strange propositions since his April appearance on “This Morning.”

“I have had people ask me to come around and clean their house naked or something, most of [the] stuff is too explicit to print,” recalled the bewildered fellow, who’s had to turn down many of the kinkier requests.

He recalled one bizarre instance where a guy asked to draw him in “cartoon form as a giant and do all this sex giant sex stuff” — a fetish known as macrophilia.

Of course, not all the asks have been bad.

Barr claimed he even landed some dates due to his famous phallus.

Nonetheless, due to his age, the Brit says he has no plans to cash in on his jumbo Johnson via OnlyFans, as he might have were he half his age, explaining: “I’m sure if I was 20 years younger, I would have [because] I’d be more focused on making sure my parents were all good, I’d be in the gym constantly, all these things.”

Instead, Barr is shedding light on the pitfalls of having a mondo memoir, which is slated to drop either later this year or in 2025.

Among other tips, the star warned those who crave that “big d–k energy” to “be careful what you wish for.”

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