Why Mercury retrograde messes with your sleep cycle — plus 4 tips to fight back

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We’re in the thick of Mercury retrograde, folks, wherein the trickster planet of communion, conversation, tech and tantrums slows his proverbial roll and leaves us in the muck and mire.

Mercury retrograde purposefully disrupts our routines and forces us to face matters and people we’d rather avoid. Retrograde refers to the optical illusion the planet creates when Earth momentarily catches up with its orbit, which is why Mercury appears to move backward from our vantage on Earth.

Mercury retrograde is known to meddle with your sleep. Prostock-studio – stock.adobe.co

It’s well documented that Mercury retrograde is a period of introspection punctuated by miscommunication, resurrected relationships, travel delays, regrettable text messages and missed connections of the literal and metaphorical variety.

But wait … that’s not all. That jerk is also meddling with your sleep.

The leading sleep geeks at Happy Beds are on hand and pillow to help you combat the mercurial slumber thief.

Keep a sleep journal

Keeping a sleep journal may help you identify patterns that cause you stress and unrest. wayhome.studio – stock.adobe.com

Mercury rules language, and retrograde cycles invite reflection; play into the power of this transit by journaling a few hours before bed each night.

As Happy Beds suggests, “Keep a sleep journal by your bed, so you can write down any anxious thoughts that come up in the moments before bed. Keeping a journal will allow you to spot patterns in what’s causing your stress and unrest, allowing you to prevent it more effectively.”

Reduce your screentime

Step away from your usual screen of choice. jayzynism – stock.adobe.com

A Mercury retrograde increases stressors; it’s easy to pass time and self-soothe with screen time.

However, as Happy Beds maintains, “Your phone is the antithesis of good sleep. Your phone emits blue light suppressing your body’s melatonin production, the hormone that tells you it’s time to sleep.” 

For those who can’t kick the tech habit, Happy Beds recommends using red light settings on your devices or placing red light bulbs in your bedroom.

In addition to being sexy in a horror movie/basement rave kind of way, red light promotes melatonin production, preparing the body for sleep experts say.

Knock yourself out with aromatherapy oils

Elenathewise – stock.adobe.com

It turns out your weird aunt who kept lavender under her pillow was onto something.

“In recent years, aromatherapy has proven effective at treating sleep disorders,” Happy Beds explains. “Lavender, in particular, contains chemical components such as linalool, linalyl and camphor that act as anxiety relievers and sedatives.” 

To really double down on the dozing, consider incorporating crystals into your bedtime routine to calm your nervous system.

Practice guided imagery

Relaxation techniques such as guided imagery or progressive muscle relaxation can help calm the mind and prepare the body for sleep.  Drobot Dean – stock.adobe.com

“During times of heightened emotional energy, like Mercury’s retrograde, relaxation techniques such as guided imagery or progressive muscle relaxation can help calm the mind and prepare the body for sleep,” Happy Beds suggests.

Guided imagery is the practice of imagining yourself in a vivid, immersive scene like strolling on a beach or drinking a crisp glass of wine on a hillside far far away. According to Happy Beds, guided imagery increases alpha brain waves which enhance mood and promote relaxation. 

Likewise, progressive muscle relaxation reduces stress and anxiety held in the body by tensing one muscle group at a time, followed by a repose period to release that tension.

See below for how to move your body through this retrograde.

Progressive muscle relaxation:

Progressive muscle relaxation is an excellent precursor to a good night’s sleep. Viktor Koldunov – stock.adobe.com
  • Find a quiet, comfortable space: Sit or lie in a relaxed position.
  • Close your eyes: Focus on breathing, taking slow, deep breaths.
  • Start with your toes: Tense the muscles in your toes for about 5 to 10 seconds, then relax them for 20 to 30 seconds. Notice the difference between tension and relaxation.
  • Move to the feet: Tense the muscles in your feet, hold for 5 to 10 seconds, then relax for 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Continue up your body: Progressively tense and relax each muscle group, moving from the calves to thighs, abdomen, chest, arms, hands, neck and face.
  • Maintain slow, deep breathing: Keep your breathing steady and relaxed throughout the exercise.
  • Finish with a few deep breaths: After you have relaxed all muscle groups, take a few more deep breaths, enjoying the feeling of relaxation throughout your body.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

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